Friday, October 19, 2007

Road Trip 2

San Sebastion is all its reported to be. Bucky was correct and after viewing the accommodation Phil used to start the running of the Bulls nearly 30 yaers ago, the hostal is just right; The expense is not missing as we start the evening stroll with a thousnad others along the sea front boulivards; the old city, Saint sebastian overlooking the bay, the yapping dogs of the SDF recipients(dole bludger in Australia), and the spirited 2 story merrygo round cycling in the setting haze are a striking memory for me. the Beer in the Squaregives us all the evening break we need. Ill have to research the numbering of the rooms around the square - Ive seen it before but forgot the meaning. Argentina and South Africa take the field in the Argentinienne restaurant next door to the burger joint for dinner; these arent Macca's, they have taste.
I wake still crying in sympathy for the Argentines and find i will have difficulty supporting any of the teams in the final. The days is magnificient. the beach beccons and we submit till 3.00pm. Phil is off agian over mountains and up backroads, kylie is still in 'Chronicles', the kids want to walk so we stop on the highest point between spain and france just b4 St jean de Luz; Here the communications tower security guard eyes us suspiciously as the ' kids jump the fence to the view to take the breath away. it extends so far I can see the Eiffel Tower. well almost. The Carravelle(decore in modern sailing ship) in cibourn fishing village is empty so we take the Lonely planet sugession, pack the kids to a great beack for the sunset. again the beer ane the setting sun create a paternalo instinct in me- I knock it down with the beer and watch a young english boy practice Johnny kicks in the sand.
Teh next days is a long drive so we have started for bed early 11.00 pm. thats france!!
Breakfast, then the drive northback to Le Duc via Bordeaux- its long hot and the Giggle Game gets played; something I invented to stop gownups getting too serious! Le Duc is welcome and a greqt steakBBQ awits compliemts of Simone. I am indebted again.
There is consensus that we can see the Lacaux caves B4 setting me on my way and after confusion caused by the flash French train strike, Im on my way to Limoges; capital of Limousin, and father to the Boudin Blood sausage- yum yum. Off now to get those cute trains again and see how I can get around the strikes- should be some fun. Bloody good road trip Team Warner - thanks.

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