Thursday, October 4, 2007

The class

Taking the group as a teacher must be exhausing.we are so diverse, with so many levels of language skill, it makes it difficult to communicate together. This week I have 3 germans; the american korean who speaks german, two swiss , three english, 3 spanish and me the Aussie- they have nicked named me "kangaroo". it seems that there is only one animal that really facinates them all. the classes often concerntrate on discussion about the differnt characteristics of each country depending on the subjects being taught that day ; for example, we may look at pets in a country, student habits and government funding, accomodation, tax systems and other really easy subjects to get into- especially if you have no idea of the verbes or words. today we had a role play selecting and being selected for a house- share for students, in Bordeaux. different and funny to say the least. the grammar is what motly stops us as the words are available in the repetoir of most of us. the teacher is Natalie (not as well as Florence though) and she can explain ideas very well- all in french, limited hand actions but using various adjectives till we all get the message. the class is for about 1.5 hours from 9.30 am then after 11.15 till 1.00. everyone then wanders downstairs to discuss who what and where lunch will be had. usually sit down, about 12 Euros and goes for 2 hrs unless you have a class in the afternoon - then you run for the room. It it usually doesnt start till about 1.15pm. Today we spent lunch for10 euros in a small and magnificent hall-way retaurant (seats50) decorated in scenes from Little Red Riding Hood- the story! It is a set menu - buffet with quite a large selection of salades and terrines(there isa lot of arguement over when a terrine is a Pate and vive versa). they also have quite a lot of cous cous salades and eggs feature as well; followed by a beef meal; then some fruit and a small demi (1/2 litre of red or white wine) - quite a huge lunch. Afternoon classes are discussions and can ramble along anywhere. the teacher(proffesseur) lets it go, but regulrly corrects grammar and pronunciation. bad habits come easily as Tuna- the turkish girl and the swiss - Michele - both speak well gramatically but pronounce badly. After the class and the frivolity have abated I go for a cup o f Tea- usually Morroccan - as I love the mint. The Salon de Thé are plentiful and do variety- not just old bushels! the serving is large and the discussion often vigourous as there is a lot of youth doing tea- I think it is trendy here! My hangout is a gay bar in the Place de Parlement. they chose the tea depending on your mood which they can tell just by looking at you (with hand on hip of course!). Sometimes I do a short film at the Utopia- a beautifully renovated old church /resturant and salade bar that does shorts forgien and art movies. the pork feotus salde was just a bit to much though! I have taken most of the different buses now from the city to Eysinne so am able to get lost and get un-lost quite easily. The nights are getting colder and, you wouldnt guess but the other night I had to kill mozzies b4 going to bed - cant escape the little buggers. One more day till its my turn for the friday afternoon party_ not sure where but it is some famous chateaux in the country - again!!!

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