Friday, September 14, 2007

A day in Geneva

Just a quite day today as the washing needs doing. Have travelled to a lovely part of geneva called carouge. Old town with a very modern, but not unique, collelction of arts and crafts, restaurants, and the usual drinking holes. still has quite a classical look to it though and has a lot of shop top living. similar feel to the old rome but not nearly as picturesque. the streets have been cleaned, traffic calmed and the people are Swiss so there is not a lot of gestulating or loud exclamations. Bus back to the UN at Nations bus and tram terminal for a quick look. Really couldnt compare to New York. Still had a good fun time. Back t o collect the washing and do a bit of blogging. also trying to work out the french language coverage of the Rugby as it is a bit fast- like fitzsimmons and the talk- back mob going full tilt at the interviewer- lots of passion. Switzerland sort of gets that its a game, but thats about it. Off to the irish pub to see the Englich and the South Africans beat it out. could be packed as there are no places broadcasting in English.

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